Bigs and Littles Tree branches out!
Scholarship News
Looking for scholarship applicants!
Pleas encourage
Theta Phi Alpha legacies (daughters, granddaughters, nieces)
or women in the Greek System at The University of Akron, to request an Undergraduate Scholarship form at the Financial Aid office.
MENTION on the application Theta Phi Alpha Sigma Scholarship and especially if the applicant is a legacy!
Applicants must have a 3.0 academic average and be a full time student. We accept applications until June 1st of each year.
Contact Pam Cipiti Chatelain for more info!
Thank you to the scholarship selection committee!
Jeanne Riley Hackenberg, Kristen Lanning Ledman, and Darla Wolfe Ruff
*Important! There are so many applications received by the University; please, if you have a daughter, granddaughter, etc applying contact Pam personally to be on the lookout for the application! Thank you.
Contact Pam Cipiti Chatelain for more info!
Thank you to the scholarship selection committee!
Jeanne Riley Hackenberg, Kristen Lanning Ledman, and Darla Wolfe Ruff
*Important! There are so many applications received by the University; please, if you have a daughter, granddaughter, etc applying contact Pam personally to be on the lookout for the application! Thank you.
Theta Phi Alpha Foundation
Support the Theta Phi Alpha Foundation with a donation. The Foundation's goal is to raise enough money to allow us to sponser two weeks of Camp Friendship, Glenary Missions Camp. This camp provides children an opportunity to eat three meals a day, play in the sunshine, and have normal childhood expereinces. Most attendees are recommended by social workers.
30th Annual BONCO March 24, 2018 at St. Vincent-St. Mary - Lots of surprises - Be there!
The net proceeds from the BONCO event allows Akron Alumnae Association to donate to Christine Clark Memorial Scholarship and the Stephenson Family Memorial Scholasrship at St. Vincent-St. Mary High School.
We are always looking for donations of new items, gift cards, event tickets, and more for the many amazing raffle baskets for this event. You can contact Sue & Chris anytime.
BONCO is a year long process, help us TODAY!
We are always looking for donations of new items, gift cards, event tickets, and more for the many amazing raffle baskets for this event. You can contact Sue & Chris anytime.
BONCO is a year long process, help us TODAY!
Between Sisters
Sympathy to:
Please keep us current on prayers to send to you and yours.
Akron Area Alumnae Association Officers
- President - Pam Chatelain
- Vice-President - Mary Beth Kase
- Treasurer - Marilyn Dickel
- Secretary - Dana Garcia
- Historian - Amelia Klein
- Membership Coordinator - Mary Anne Ergezi
- Evergreen Chairman - Julie Hayden
- Scholarship Chariman - Pam Chatelain
- BONCO Co-chairs - Sue Lindeman & Chris Teetor